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Technology & Innovation

Sustainability in SAP

Photo of a person on a laptop with sustainability icons

A topic of increasing importance

Sustainability in SAP

Today, sustainability and environmental protection are more than just part of the brand image - they are a business-critical factor. New legal requirements, in particular the Supply Chain Act, present companies with new challenges.

Since June 2021, the Supply Chain Act has required companies to ensure human rights and environmental standards along their entire supply chain.

But what does this mean for your company in concrete terms? What measures are required and how can they be implemented efficiently?

We will show you how to successfully implement the Supply Chain Act and use sustainability as a competitive advantage at the same time!

Key points of

the new supply chain law

The German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) have presented a key issues paper for the new Supply Chain Act and the strengthening of corporate due diligence to prevent human rights violations in global value chains.

The envisaged obligations go far beyond the core elements of the National Action Plan and relevant international standards, such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This is unique because it is the first time German law has been applied to international supply chains. Thus, there is a move away from the principle of applicability of the “law at the place where the damage occurs” to the “law at the place of action”.

Is your company affected?

In principle, only large companies with more than 500 employees are directly affected by the new Supply Chain Act. This corresponds to approximately 7,200 companies in Germany (partnerships and corporations).

However, companies with fewer than 500 employees will also be indirectly affected, because supply chain monitoring takes place not only internationally but also nationally. In this respect, small companies may also be obliged to provide information and disclosures to their large trading partners.

For affected companies, this means committing themselves to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and Environmental Risks and also demanding these from all stakeholders (especially business partners).

All measures taken by the companies concerned must then also be published transparently in annual reports.

Our Solution

Global Footprint & Global Compliance

Meet the requirements of the Supply Chain Act

The Supply Chain Act essentially requires systematic risk management and an electronic reporting obligation on the part of companies to a federal authority, which checks the information for plausibility on a random basis or in cases of suspicion. Existing reporting obligations, for example under the CSR Directive, are to be taken into account.

With Global Footprint you can generate audit-proof CO₂ data based on the entire value creation process (Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3) on the basis of valid financial data from your company’s procurement and accounting.

With Global Compliance you can monitor the sustainability of global supply chains in an automated and legally compliant manner and thus fulfill your documentation, monitoring and reporting obligations.  

Our Business Partner

Global Climate

To provide companies with the best possible support in complying with supply chain law, we are working with Global Climate - a leading provider of digital sustainability solutions.

Global Climate has developed the Global Footprint and Global Compliance products, which help companies to make their carbon footprint transparent and meet sustainability requirements along the entire supply chain.

Why Global Climate?

  • Innovative solutions for CO₂ tracking & sustainability management
  • Seamless integration into existing company processes
  • Audit-proof documentation & automated reporting
  • Fulfillment of legal requirements & compliance specifications

With Global Climate, we are jointly focusing on digital sustainability for an environmentally friendly future!


Technology and Innovation


Nowadays, everyday objects are able to collect and share data with minimal human involvement. This data (big data) can be analysed and evaluated using computing solutions.

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Via the SAP system, containers can be centrally controlled and updated without having to print out classic labels again. The barcodes are only adjusted digitally on the e-ink display.

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The Digital Revolution

Many companies have already taken up the topic of the Digital Revolution. Digital components are intended to sustainably change previous value chains with the help of networked systems.

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Contact person

Photo by HPC employee Judith Müller


Sustainability in SAP
T +49 621 460 840


Copyright 2025 HPC Aktiengesellschaft
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