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MANNHEIM +49 621 460 84-0 | HAMBURG +49 40 207 698 50

Enterprise Resource Management


With SAP S/4HANA, you can rely on a next-generation business suite. The successor to the previous core product SAP ERP ECC offers you numerous features with which you can manage your company more efficiently and future-proof.

The foundation of SAP S/4HANA is the SAP HANA database, which is based on in-memory technology. In memory means that the main memory is used as data storage. This technology enables you to execute transactions in real time, analyze data and manage your business efficiently.

Thanks to the consistent focus on high usability through the SAP Fiori interface concept, the software is user-friendly and comfortable to use. Superfluous functions and buttons are eliminated thanks to the personalized and role-based user interface - so you and your employees always have the essentials in mind.

S/4HANA can be operated classically as an on-premise solution or as a cloud solution. This makes your future system flexible to use.

Features of S/4HANA

With the S/4HANA software from the market leader SAP, you are relying on a future-proof system that comes with numerous features:

→ An integrated system that can be extended with cloud solutions via standard interfaces

The system offers you the possibility of networking with other SAP software products, such as the SAP Ariba procurement network, SAP Service Cloud, SAP Marketing Cloud, and others.

Thanks to API interfaces, the integration of other software products, social networks and IoT (Internet of Things) is also possible.

→ Best practices offer ready-made, extensible and preconfigured business processes

Reduce your operational costs and increase your operational efficiency with standardized processes that SAP S/4HANA brings. With SAP S/4HANA Best Practices, you can conveniently manage multiple business units, subsidiaries with global and country-specific regulations, and diverse geographic regions.

→ Process Discovery for SAP S/4HANA Transformation

With this free analysis tool, you can measure the performance of your SAP processes. Thanks to this analytical view, processes that take an unnecessarily long time and do not use resources optimally can be located.

→ Modern user interfaces

SAP Fiori in SAP S/4HANA enables users to work in a role-based and intuitive way. Thanks to the responsive technology, the interface is available to you on the various end devices, such as the smartphone or monitor - without any further adjustments.

→ Fast database

Thanks to the SAP HANA database, it is also possible to map other application scenarios in addition to the pure ERP function. Since SAP HANA serves as an in-memory platform for all data, the database provides the perfect basis for Big Data analyses.

With Greenfield or Brownfield to S/4HANA

Even if the time pressure to switch to S/4 has been somewhat relieved: SAP’s course still remains the same. But many questions arise about the changeover.

The top 5 questions from our customers and our answers:

By when do I have to have switch?

SAP has now postponed the discontinuation of the existing ECC system from the original end of 2020 to 2027. With “extended” (i.e., higher) maintenance, use is even possible until the end of 2030. A changeover should therefore take place by the end of 2027 if possible, although it should be noted that at the end of such a period, external consultant capacities may of course also become tight.

So sit back and wait? Not necessarily …

What are the benefits of S/4HANA for me?

At the beginning of a planned changeover, the question of the concrete benefits naturally always arises. In an initial project phase, it helps to roughly analyze the customer’s own coding and processes and to determine individual potential from this. For the analysis, various SAP standard tools can be used in the first step, which also provide an industry benchmark. The setup, analysis as well as the processing of the results regarding the SAP tools are included in a flat-rate consulting package of 5 T€.

Brownfield or Greenfield?

This initial analysis phase also results in a tendency toward a project approach: One of the main criteria here is the simple transfer of processes from the old system (tendency toward system relocation – brownfield) or the use of (as many) standard processes as possible (tendency toward new setup – greenfield). However, the greenfield approach may also require changes in the corporate structure and working methods.

What costs should I expect?

The consulting costs depend on the project approach:

  • A purely technical system migration is less expensive, but does not leverage the potential of the new system. In this case, less external effort is to be expected.
  • A rebuild of the system is a complete implementation project in which all processes are also re-examined. The goal is to return to the use of standard SAP processes. A slightly higher external effort can be expected when implementing the usual modules with an approach such as using SAP Best Practices or the SAP Model Company.

The hardware or cloud resources require significantly more performance for the use of S/4HANA. An increase in costs is to be expected here. The fact that S/4HANA only runs on Linux servers must also be taken into account in terms of support (especially for internal resources).
The conversion costs for SAP licenses are calculated individually. Depending on the user types required (the user model is significantly simplified for S/4HANA), license costs may be lower. Customers who previously used a non-SAP database also benefit from the lower maintenance percentages of the HANA database. We would be happy to calculate your license costs together with you.

What are the key factors for a successful transformation?
  • A purely technical system migration is IT-driven. Here, technical and IT factors are the key to the changeover.
  • When the system is rebuilt and standard processes are increasingly used, change management is particularly important in addition to technical skills: employees and organizational changes must be planned and supported. Ultimately, however, the employees benefited from the leaner processes and simplified interfaces after going live.



With SAP S/4HANA, you can rely on a next-generation business suite. The successor to the previous core product SAP ERP ECC offers you numerous features with which you can manage your company more efficiently and future-proof.

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With SAP ERP, you benefit from role-based access control for data, applications & analysis and much more, and optimise all business processes from procurement to human resources.

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Master data management

With HPC master data management, you can define uniform SAP material numbers worldwide and achieve transparent control and monitoring of the master data for your company.

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Contact person

Photo by HPC employee Marcel Höfer


T T +49 621 460 840


Copyright 2025 HPC Aktiengesellschaft
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